Update 1.7 - Que Sera Sarai!

Presenting, in an unheard of speed: Update 1.7 - Que Sera Sarai!

Meet Sarai in the plains region, inspired by old testament stories, and all her possible children, which will bring the glow of mature women to the game! After all, folks in the old testament all lived 100 years plus - so the full potential given by the crystals of Gaia would naturally net them in their thirties-fourties! The update also adds a new Send Away system, aiming to retain the girls in a separate array; a new way to see girl's mother via a click that will show her info; lactation is as mentioned induced at first birth. It also adds possibility to meet non-hostile creatures from known races - by a 20 % chance, known creatures won't be hostile but only desire that sweet loving!


  1. Reporting bugs and findings as requested: if you'll send a monster girl away, all monster girls born or captured in that turn who weren't broken in yet, no matter where they are from get send away as well.
    Additionally, I've assigned a new bunny breeder and it disappeared (there was none and no new one could be appointed) but still made bunnies.
    Also, if you captured a girl but went out of energy/stamina when later trying breaking her and being about to fuck her, she also disappears.
    Late-game managing human children becomes quite a chore - you have to click shitload of time per every one of them just so they'll like you enough to work in the villages.
    One of the canine girls lacks some image in her scene.
    The number of wood/stone produced in outposts and villages seem pretty paltry.
    Please let one get the sword angel guardian to be a valkyrie breeder
    Also, favorited daughters should be available to stay at one's tent as as important as mother NPCs. Would be also nice if said mother NPCs could be sent to work in villages and earn their place.
    Sometimes despite there being free space, born monster girl also doesn't appear

    In general, it'd be good if there'd be more checks for whether the girls who should be there are still there and if the can be clicked - the disappearing girls, especially when one was born etc.
    I'd also like to request an option late-game to choose appearance of newly born. Some characters of particular races are very rare, some I have a luck to have copies of pop up nearly all the time.


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