It's been a good few weeks.

I have finished the intro to all human female characters so far intended for the game. They all have different racial and cultural backgrounds which will reflect on their intro story and how their children will look.

Now I'm working to make game somewhat playable, in form of mechanics and filling. This could take ages too.

I am unsure how the creatures should take their  place in the world. The human races have a matriarch in the different female character that each produce a special kind of children. The same can be done with creatures where a single creature can be obtained and used to populate the species.

A different approach would be for the world to be populated with creatures as exploration events, if the right base is built the player would then be able to move the creatures there and populate. One would choose a matriarch from the base dwellers and she alone would give girth to npc, the rest merely give birth to the number of event creatures to encounter.

Write me if you have suggestions.


  1. hi, long time lurker, eagerly waiting for 1st playable build.Tell me if I can help u with anything. As per urs question goes, I think 2nd approach with exploration one is better,though I am not sure what u mean by only matriarch alone will give birth to npc, can't daughter get pregnant too? only one npc for whole race??

  2. Well, npc daughters can get pregnant, but unlike a possible matriarch, which spawns npc daughters, they only give birth to a stat. The stat is used in calculating the world state in the end.

    I'll look into the second option then, though I can't promise anything before starting to code. But thanks for replying - I hope a build will be out in our lifetime.

  3. Will the main character have a mother in the game? If he does can she be a matriarch?

    1. The pc will be presented with a mature female character who is most likely their mother from before the cure. She will be matriarch for non-blonde Caucasian daughters.


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